European College of Parma

European College of Parma
Fondazione Collegio Europeo di Parma
Established 1988 (updated in 2003)
Type Foundation
Rector Prof. Alfonso Mattera Ricigliano The Scientific Committee is composed by: Jacques Delors, Romano Prodi, Ana Palacio, Etienne Davignon, Franco Frattini, Martin Bangemann, Alfonso Mattera, Cesare Azzali, Franco Mosconi, Andrea Boltho, Erik Jones
Admin. staff 8
Students 45 postgraduates per Academic Year
Location Parma,  Italy  European Union

The European College of Parma Foundation (Italian: Fondazione Collegio Europeo di Parma, French: La Fondation Collège Européen de Parme): is a higher education institution which provides academic training for young European graduates in the field of European Union law, economics and politics. The educational programme offered by the European College of Parma is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary academic curriculum covering the whole process of European integration.

The educational programme provided by the European College is geared to preparing students for careers in EU, national and local institutions, professional associations, the corporate world and private practice.

The first unit of the college was created in 1988 as a consortium of institutions, by the will of the institutions of the territory of Parma and the region Emilia-Romagna in order to offer students and community a school of higher education, which promoted the knowledge of the functioning of EU institutions.


The current offer consists of an interdisciplinary academic curriculum on the process of European integration, aimed particularly at post-graduate Master students: the Advanced Diploma in European Studies (ADES). It was launched on 27 September 2003 with the inauguration of the first academic year, by the President of European Commission, Romano Prodi [2]. In 2004 was inaugurated the current site of the college and the institute got the legal form of foundation, similarly to those of Bruges in Belgium and Natolin in Poland. The goal is to train young European graduates in the fields of law, economics and politics of the European Union.

The Scientific Committee is composed by: Jacques Delors, Romano Prodi, Ana Palacio, Etienne Davignon, Franco Frattini, Martin Bangemann, Alfonso Mattera, Cesare Azzali, Franco Mosconi, Andrea Boltho, Erik Jones[1].


Since 2003, similarly to what happens at the College of Europe in Bruges, each academic year is called "promotion". These are dedicated to prominent personalities that have contributed to the European integration.

Academic Year Name of the Promotion Speaker at the lectio inauguralis
2003/2004 Alcide De Gasperi Romano Prodi
2004/2005 Paul-Henri Spaak Étienne Davignon
2005/2006 Giovanni Paolo II Franco Frattini
2006/2007 Konrad Adenauer Mario Monti
2007/2008 Robert Schuman José Manuel Durão Barroso
2008/2009 Jean Monnet Giorgio Napolitano
2009/2010 Altiero Spinelli Pascal Lamy
2010/2011 François Mitterrand Herman Van Rompuy


  1. ^ Website of the European College of Parma